Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Eddie helps the group by recording Layremy's part of the song (along with Antonea's). Once her recording's done it will be put together with Antonea's recording. This will be used to create the final duet. 


Antonea and Layremy warm up together before the two of them separately record their song 'Needle in the Poison' that's about the poem Goblin Market that they wrote together. After about an hour of warming up and practicing that day (as far as I know), they sound awesome. Like pros. 

Warming Up

Layremy prepares to sing for her recording by warming up and attempting to get rid of her anxiety. I guess the hand sign's a calming gesture.

Congo Drum?

The pair (the music producer for the group's on the left, and the blogger for another group's on the right) watch Antonea, Eddie and Layremy record. Well, one of them's smiling, so the song must be good. 


Antoneo records her part of the song that will be combined with Layremy's part to create the finished product of their voices in the song. 


Eddie and Layremy are about to record 'Needle in the Poison', the group's Goblin Market inspired song with the recording equipment provided by Eddie. 

An Audience

Layremy gets ready to sing during one of the practices for the song. She's nervous because of the two or three new people who've just entered the room. (They're all in the background.) Antonea and Giovanna had to convince her that they weren't even listening.

Music Producer

Giovanna about to instruct Layremy and Antoneo on how to properly sing their song. It's her job to do this as the music producer.

A music producer has free creative reign with the song (as long as allowed by the owners of said song), adjustments to the songwriting and arrangements, and things like coaching singers (as Giovanna's doing here). 

The Coach

Giovanna coaches Antonea and Layremy (the two songwriters) in their singing. She tells them that they should stand up and have more energy while she demonstrates this. As you can see, Layremy's laughing, whether it's because she finds it amusing or ridiculous (or both), I have no idea. Antonea on the other hand...has no visual facial expression in this picture, but is definitely not laughing. She's probably observing comprehensively.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog: Goblin Market

Director: Laura

Songwriters: Antonea and Layremy

Storyboard: Laura

Music: Laura and Giovanna 

Music Producer: Giovanna

Blogger: Ashley

The Point

The goal of this project was to write a song with a theme centered around the Goblin Market by Christina Rosetti, a children's poem written in April 1859 and published during the year of 1862. It was her first published poem, and showed "a taste for the fantastic, a brooding melancholy, and a lyric gift that would characterize much of her work" (1).

This poem is specifically effect read aloud and has an "exciting, fast-paced style" with incredibly descriptive language. It's about Lizzie and Laura. Laura being the one to fall into temptation and Lizzie the sister who fights to bring her back from ruin. The Goblin Market can be easily interupted into symbolism, a religious allegory, and/or a sexual innuendo, or be taken at face value as just another children's rhyme. 

Either way, this poem is a beautiful masterpiece. 


(1) Flynn, Philip. "Rossetti, Christina G." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2010. Grolier Online. 4 May 2010 .

Collins, K. K. "Rossetti, Christina Georgina." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2010. Web. 4 May 2010.

"Goblin Market." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2010. Web. 4 May 2010.

Rossetti, Christina Georgina. Goblin Market, and Other Poems. New York: Dover Publications, 1994. Print.